Campaign Context

#IAmSAFE Campaign

”Abortion represents a crucial element of universal health coverage and is a time-sensitive procedure. Even the slightest delay can have severe repercussions on the health and well-being of women and girls. As sexual and reproductive health professionals at the international level, gynecologists and obstetricians are well aware of the inevitable consequences of these delays. We know that limiting access to safe abortion makes the procedure more complex and increases its danger. Each year, 35 million women use risky and less safe methods to terminate their pregnancies, and gynecologists, obstetricians, and other health professionals around the world witness the tragic consequences of these practices and deal with them daily. The member societies of FIGO are determined to strengthen global commitment to ending the preventable pandemic of unsafe abortions.”

In this context, the Safe Abortion Advocacy Project is launching a campaign supported by FIGO and led by member societies (Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Mali, and Ivory Coast). This campaign, named #IAmsSAFE, aims to promote initiatives and communication tools implemented in the sub-region. Its goal is to provide resources to young activists, media, young artists, gynecologists, and civil society organizations to effectively communicate about abortion within their contexts.


Increasing the mobilization of stakeholders and influential individuals around access to safe abortion services. Specifically, it involves:

Enhancing the development of communication tools tailored to national contexts for better communication on abortion.

Strengthening partnership and collaboration with civil society for advocacy on safe abortion access through their participation in the campaign in the region.