August 18, 2023

Flyers FIGO CoP 

Catalyzing Transformative Change for Africa: Physicians as Advocates for Improving Access to Safe Abortion Care.

As part of the Advocating for Safe Abortion Project, FIGO collaborates with member societies of obstetricians and gynecologists (OBGYN) at the international, regional, and national levels to enhance access to safe and quality abortion services. In 2022, we expanded our network through collaboration with 30 national obstetricians and gynecologists societies across Africa.

Current priorities include crafting and strengthening advocacy strategies tailored to the context of each country, which members of the community of practice can implement to bolster advocacy for safe abortion in the region. Additionally, we are developing new opportunities for peer-to-peer learning and mentorship within the region.

Community of Practice Members SAGO-FIGO, December 2022, Mali

“The collaboration between FIGO and the Society of Gynecology of Africa (SAGO) has significantly strengthened the capacities of scientific societies in member countries in the areas of leadership and sharing best practices in a very short time. In an era where health issues require combined efforts, this partnership is of paramount importance for SAGO.” – Professor Abdoulaye Sepou, President of SAGO. Discover more by downloading the guide.

Download the FIGO Community of Practice Flyers guide

Some campaign posters

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